Saturday, April 28, 2018

Forgot to post Friday freebie

My apologies. First, for ranting about family problems. I do appreciate how kind you all have been about that and how supportive. I haven't felt anger like that in years and I hated how I found myself feeling about my brother. But truth is truth and I've every reason to distrust him as he hasn't kept any of his promises yet and behaves very selfishly. If my tirade did nothing else it showed him I can get angry and that my kindness in letting him do pretty much what he wanted was that - kindness, not weakness. Wish you could have seen his eyes when I walked through the door and blurted out my initial message. Once I got some of the vile out of my system, I recognized that the most important thing was to try and do as my parents wished as much as possible. If I have to pay the final bills he has promised to pay half of, so be it. At least my integrity is intact, right?

Second, I apologize for not posting Friday freebie. Had it ready but I guess all the drama set off my fibro because I had a bad pain day. Was going to post after husband and Rachel went off to Inara's softball game but as soon as I'd eaten dinner, I knew I needed to lie down flat on my back. Totally forgot to do anything else.


More later tonight.

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