Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Disappearance & freebies

Sorry to have disappeared but flu left me with vertigo. Almost fell twice Monday just walking across room so spent most of day in bed flat on my back. Any movement and things started spinning and nausea accompanied it. Saw doctor yesterday afternoon. He says no infection visible in ears but flu triggered labrinthitis. I'm to take Antivert twice a day until vertigo stops. Meanwhile get tired easily and have to be careful moving about. Being still is about the best thing to do if I want to avoid falls and nausea that makes it difficult to keep meds and meals down. So far not seeing any improvement but I've only had two doses so far.

Here is freebie I should have posted on Monday:

Should be able to finish packing up Tuesday freebie and get that posted later on. Right now it is time to lie down again.

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