Thursday, June 18, 2020

Last of My Lovely Friends

Over the last few months I've been bad about getting posts up on time, so while my oven-baked rosemary chicken and potatoes is starting, thought I'd go ahead and schedule the post for Thursday.
Link: Expired

Our next kit will be more masculine but there may be a fewsurprises before that.


Seymoure said...

Hi Sherry,
Thank you for this darling kit. I love the characters as they will be very appropriate for my 3 granddaughters and 2 great granddaughters.
Hope you are staying well. I know you have been through the wringer again so am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

MomOnceAgain said...

Thanks so much for this cute kit! I can also see using this for my granddaughters...

tiscrea © - The Netherlands said...

Thank you very much for this lovely set :-)