Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Another hot, humid, stormy day & freeboe

Didn't accomplish much today. Temps in 90's with high humidity. Ran to Dad's to check for mail and got caught by his neighbor across the street who insisted on talking to me. Got multiple mosquito bites standing there. Did the banking and stopped at 7-11 on way home to pick up Slurpies for hubby and myself. Cooled down and was about to get to work on a few things when headache came on quickly. Apparently it was triggered by barometric changes because I'd no sooner laid down when a big thunderstorm hit. The headache was the end of me doing anything.

Fortunately, I had today's zip all ready for you:
The little black dress is such a fashion staple, it had to show up again.
Just for fun, here is a note about shopping/retail therapy myths I found on Pinterest:

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