Saturday, June 24, 2017

That's all folks - the last of Chick Thing freebie

My husband just fed me the very best ribs ever! The man is a talented cook! Soon as I post this, I'm going in to spend some time with him. A little "family" news. Remember me saying Dad was concerned because he couldn't get in touch with Miss June? Turns out she has something like a slipped disk in the middle of her back. Happened Sunday night while she was watching TV. She said she felt terrible pain and assumed she had just turned wrong so she lay on her side on the sofa where she was and eventually went to sleep. When she woke up, she couldn't move her legs! She is in a rehab center for next 21 days and was still in a lot of pain when I visited yesterday.

And now Chick Thing 22, the rest of the Hen Party segment:
You know what those chicks are gossiping about, don't you? The terrible preview I made with stuff that didn't all go together but works with the rest of the kit.
Not sure about the cocktail overlay and paper but threw it in anyway.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Seymoure said...

I'm thinking the cocktail overlay would work very well for a background while the hens have a cluck fest. Thank you for the wonderful kit. Hope Miss June gets well soon and it sounds like your dad is responding very well. Keep your faith up and stay strong.