Thursday, June 1, 2017

Just Sayin'

I'm not a tagger. Oh, I've made some tagger kits - mostly downsizing my full size kits for tagging use - and I've made a few tags - most often for designer friends I CT'd for. On occasion I will purchase a tagger kit to use in making ATCs (artist trading cards) because the elements are usually about the right size for those. Sometimes the backgrounds can be adapted for ATCs too or bragbook pages. In general most tagger backgrounds are 800 x 800 pixels which is pretty small. But while full size scrap kits have established standards of size (12 inch square) and DPI (300 dpi), tagger kits have no established standards. Backgrounds are usually consistent in size but may be larger or a little smaller. The biggest problem is dpi. Some make kits at 72 dpi because tags are mostly used on-line but some create at 300 dpi. No one requires tagger designers to note what dpi their kits are created at or what size backgrounds and elements are. I recently purchased a tagger kit from a well known designer at a great price. The Victorian theme and colors would make for nice journal cards and ATCs and I might be able to use the elements on the small (approx 5 x 7 inch) journal pages I've been using. I started opening some of the backgrounds and found dpi of 300, 100, even 39 dpi. 39? Seriously? Why did she bother to include that? It's worthless! From the point of view of this consumer, I think scrapbook stores should require standards for tagger kits too or at least insist that the details be posted on the previews and/or in the descriptions. I'm not trying to be difficult. In the past, I've even run blog posts about ways one can stretch the use of tagger kits to help promote sales for friends who design and tag.

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