Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bohemian Boudoir freebie

Quick post to give you some musical items.
Link: Many thanks for the birthday wishes and nice comments I've been receiving about this kit. Yesterday was pretty quiet. While my husband was at work I did a little prep for company I'm expecting tomorrow, and packed up about 6 more posts worth of Bohemian Boudoir. I'll try to get around to scheduling a few more later today to cover the days I'll have company. I've really enjoyed playing with this kit and thank Stacey for suggesting the color palette. These rich colors are just the thing after a long winter full of white and gray. I've enjoyed the Bohemian theme I choose too because it suggests openess to new experiences, willingness to step outside the box of what everyoe else is doing or wearing and express the self. It's made me realize that if I were to choose one word for this year I should choose DISCOVERY. I seem to be some kind of journey of self discovery or maybe re-discovery is a better explanation. It's funny how I'd always looked forward to retirement with the freedome to do whatever I wanted. then about a doxen or more years ago when I had to retire due to health issues, I found my "retirement" was nothing like I'd expected. Sure, chronic pain conditions made changes to what I was able to do and financial constraints limited some options but worst of all was the loss of purpose. We don't realize how much of ourselves, our self image, comes from roles we take on until those roles no longer exist. I warn anyone who is about to embark on retirement - planned or not - to be aware that you might experience a sense of loss, even if you hated your employment. Suddenly you may find yourself wondering who you are now, what you really want to do and that can be disturbing. My retirement was surely complicated by my mother being in final stages of lung cancer as well as my own health issues and accomodations I had to make to them. One thing and another and an overwhelming sense of loss. All this time and I just now feel I am coming around to recovering essential parts of myself. Sorry, I am meandering on but I'm feeling pretty strongly that a big change is coming and I'm finding myself less apprehensive (finally!) and more optomistic about it. That is a good thing and I just had to share. And now I must go vaccum! Hugs!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Love the musical instruments! thanks so much for the beautiful journal cards. Enjoy your family tomorrow! I think all major changes can be a little frightening and leave you out of sorts. I hope you are over your sense of loss, and I guess discovery is a perfect word. while nothing can replace your mom of course, but you can discover new things to do that you love and enjoy. Of course there still never enough time in the day to do all I want.