Friday, February 27, 2015

Another Bohemian Boudoir freebie

I don't know what the final tally was of inches of snow here yesterday. I do know that it started snowing about 11:30 Tuesday night and continued until about 7pm yesterday. Lots and lots of snow. Not that I've been out in it. My husband actually got today (oops Thursday) off but has to go in today. No melting of snow today; it's in 20s and expected to be the same tomorrow. My car is under the snow but husband has his dug out and a path from driveway to street dug so he can get to work. Thought I'd give you a couple of furniture pieces for the kit tonight:
Pick up here:

1 comment:

Stacey said...

love these! thansk so much! I hope you are all tucked in and warm. Please stay safe! I hope this storm is over quickly!