Saturday, June 21, 2014

I want to scream & a freebie

Okay, so I have Windows XP which Microsoft Security no longer supports and I can't afford to update to Windows 8 (which I understand has problems anyway and is about to be replaced by newer version). I have been having problems for days now with things my PC is picking up like Wajam and FreeSoft. I search them out, remove them and as soon as I open a tab in google they pop up again with really weird options for downloading. No matter which you choose, it starts to install! Going crazy over this. Anyone else having this problem? Thought about calling my BIL who usually does my computer work but he's hard to get lately, tied up with other stuff and when all else fails, his answer is to delete everything and start over. The thought of all I'd lose is giving me a headache. On the other hand, maybe this is the universe's way of telling me I spend too much time on PC (I do) and that I could be making better use of my time. [Sigh]
I don't think I've given out this little mini before - hope not. Here are papers: And now to get to the email I've missed. Elements tomorrow


Stacey said...

thanks for the wonderful freebie! I'm not too tech savy but I would try and get the free version of malware bytes and see if they can delete the problem. I had windows xp and my laptop was way to old too upgrade too. It was slow already so no way to upgrade. I had to save up to get a new (used laptop). We have several used stores selling laptops starting at about 100.00 - I wanted windows 7, but those were more expensive out of my budget, so I got Vista. Hope they don't discontinue that for awhile because I can't buy another for a loooong time.

Linda said...

Did I miss the elements somewhere? If you could please post the link for me I would appreciate it.
Thank You