Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A few minutes into Tuesday & freebie

I've had a few stressful days lately. No particular cause, that is, nothing new and notable in a negative way. Mostly it's been over thinking and worrying about things over which I have no control. On an intellectual basis, I know better but sometimes my emotional intelligence slips. Days like that are so tiring. Husband is dealing with the blues due to the season and notions of how things should be as opposed to how things really are. Reality isn't always pretty and in regards to relationships, one can feel battered. You know you can't control other's behavior and shouldn't let them affect your happiness but it happens. He's hurting and it bothers me. But we muddle on. After some little accomplishments Sunday, yesterday was a loss. Pain wouldn't let me sleep Sunday night so ended up crashing in the middle of the day. But that's okay. Today will be better. Heading off to bed as soon as I post and have intentions to accomplish much when I get up and feel good about it. Waivering on whether I'll do some decorating but so much else needs doing, I don't want to work myself into a major fibro flare-up or outbreak of shingles. No - going to become healthier and stronger every day. Writing some positive affirmations for myself and have been browsing inspiring quotations. Hope your holiday preparations are going well and you aren't letting all the hustle and bustle wear you out. Be sure to take some time out to pamper yourself a little. You deserve it.

Today's zip:
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vpmfk6bynneze8l/ws_MistletoeMiss_2.zip?dl=0

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