Monday, August 5, 2019

Weekend woes and Pretty Peacock

There were supposed to be a number of things to do this past weekend. Tyler (grandson) and Sally (his girlfriend) needed their cars inspected and John was going to have them follow him to new place where our friend, Fred, now works as inspector. The plan was to drop the cars off and then take the kids to breakfast while inspection was going on. I was supposed to go with them but couldn't drag myself out of bed. My husband reported that during breakfast he jokingly asked Sally when the wedding was going to be. To his shock, she replied "In about two years." First we had heard of this. Tyler had just transferred from University of South Carolina to Regent University in Virginia Beach because he's decided to become a minister. Apparently he thinks he can finish his education over next two years and then they will marry.

Here in Virginia it was "tax free" weekend when you could save on school supplies, including school clothes. We buy granddaughter Larkin's school supplies and I was preparing to go do that Sunday. Then we had a heavy downpour. I waited and when it seemed it was ended, I headed out. Still raining but not bad. Walmart has the supply lists for local schools so I didn't look up Larkin's school on line. Talk about a bad decision all the way around! Of course, Walmart was a zoo. And they didn't have the list for her school. I finally found another Virginia Beach elementary school's list. Should be pretty much the same, right? So, with the shopping cart holding me up, I slogged along, picking up supplies and a couple outfits. I was feeling pretty hot and exhausted by the time I went to checkout stations. Do you think they might have added extra staff considering the promotion? Heck no! All the lines were long and slow. By the time I got near the cashier I was sweating profusely and feeling weak. Considered leaving the basket and going home but then it would all be for naught. Hung in there, paid, threw everything in car and just slumped in the seat and watched the rain for a few minutes. Called in a pick up order for pizza and was told 15 minutes. No problem, the place is on my way home. Pizza Hut was filled with a number of people waiting on their orders and more coming in. 15 minutes became more like 40. Once home with some pizza in my tummy (after 8 p.m.) I decided to look up Larkin's school list to see how close I'd come and what I might need to add. Big differences. Wednesday I will return what she can't use and get correct items. Lesson for me - always check the school's website first!

Yesterday I accompanied hubby to his monthly get together lunch with a few retirees. Came home feeling exhausted and crashed for 5 hours. My body is totally out of wack! Have shingles outbreak and yeast infection on top of everything else. Need to get immune system back in order but don't know how. I am one cranky old woman right now. And will have granddaughter the weekend of 16th. She will be expecting a tea party and lots of activities. Soliciting all donations of good health and energy.

I've given you lots of facts about peacocks but the symbolism is (at least to me) more interesting. Today let's talk about peacocks in dreams.
A peacock is a great sign indicating re-growth, birth, new life, and rejuvenation. Seeing peacocks in your dream can also be omens of prestige and success. It is a positive sign for the future that brings luck and happiness.
Dreams of peacocks may either reflect your desire for self-recognition or stand for some positivity in your life. To see a peacock spreading its tail feathers means that you might be invited to a new project. A dream of peacock feathers also implies that you usually strive to achieve what you wish for in actual life.



Seymoure said...

Hi Sherry,
Sending positive thoughts for a swift recovery. What a nightmare you are going through. I want to cry for you. Sincerely, I am praying that you can get to the bottom of what is causing you such distress.
On a more upbeat note, thank you for today's portion of Pretty Peacock. Am really enjoying this kit.

Unknown said...

Sherry I am so sorry your health is going the way it is!!! I understand completely as mine has done the same over the last year... But I know it will be figured out soon enough!!! I pray for you every night, hoping things get better for you!!! I also truly appreciate the fact you keep sharing your wonderful talent with us while your struggle so much!!!!

Unknown said...

Sherry I am so sorry you are still struggling so much!!! I do understand as my health has been doing a downward spiral... I understand the frustration with everything!!! I pray for you nightly hoping things get better for you soon!!! I also am truly thankful you keep sharing your wonderful talent with us as your struggle!!!!