Tuesday, November 20, 2018

More of Autumn Elegance & some family news

I'm happy to read the comments saying you are enjoying this series. And I so appreciate all the sweet comments of support and understanding. I know I'm not the only one for whom holidays are difficult this year and my heart goes out to all the others. We did get some surprising news yesterday. Our grand-daughter, Larkin, whom we haven't seen in months is available to have Thanksgiving with us! My husband will pick her up Thursday morning and return her around 7 pm or so because she will be spending the weekend with her aunt. Grandson, Tyler, is on his way home from University of South Carolina. Poor boy gets spread thin trying to see all his family when he is home but when we told him we will have Larkin (one of his half-sisters) here on Thursday, he said he is going to try to get out of other commitments so he can come here for dinner and visit with Larkin. It doesn't look like it will be lonely after all! Got an e-mail from son today with photo of the snow they got in PA this past Thursday, a day before their big move to new home. But the move went okay and they have until 12/31 to clean up the old apartment and move any of the small stuff left there. He and his wife will be working during Thanksgiving and Christmas too this year. Sure miss them. Maybe we will be together for the holidays next year.

Running late today. Here is zip 17:
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xrxsgkrvfnwehac/ws_AutumnElegance_17.zip?dl=0

*** Will be posting your Thanksgiving zip tomorrow instead of Thursday.

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