Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Last week of Mermaid Journal freebie

First, a shout out to Kristy, a long time blog follower, who is busy caring for her parents. So good to hear from you! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, knowing how challenging it is to care for our elderly loved ones.

Still tired from my weekend excursion but trying to get things underway again. I've been participating in Deepak Chopra's "Self Discovery Workshop" and also joined Vicki Robinson's art journal group and Alison Bright's 30 day art journaling challenge. This is one page I made using Alison's prompt about sights, smells, and sounds that tell you you are home.
I made the stamp of the child from an old drawing in a children's book. And I made this page with our Mermaid Journal:
Had an odd dream last night that will be my next journal page - if I can figure out how to capture it.

Today's Mermaid Journal zip is DIY. 2 backgrounds and lots of elements.
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9fchtydxl1zhk8/ws_MermaidJournal_19.zip?dl=0


SiskiyouSue said...

Thank you again. This has been fun, I enjoy seeing what comes each time.

KM said...

Regarding the Vintage Ladies, I had to tell you what I heard on the news a couple of nights ago. The Baby Boomers are being referred to as the Silver Tsunami in the health industry. At first I was thinking that was not very nice then I just had to laugh! ;)
