Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Things are hectic & freebie

Still haven't begun decorating and haven't even written cards. June is having panic attacks and wants someone with her every time Dad goes out. If I suggest she go with him, she says she is too weak. Called this morning, waking me up (I'd had a rough night); she was worried about dad. He had gotten up, had breakfast with her, but after going in the back of the house to fetch something June needed, he said he was dizzy and was going to lie down. Apparently June had called to him later and got no answer. She got as far as the bedroom door but couldn't face going in. She couldn't see him breathing and didn't know if he was just asleep but feared he was unconscious. I threw clothes on and went over to find her wild eyed. Walked to bedroom and saw Dad's eyes moving, spoke to him and he answered. Said he was fine, just wanted to rest. Stayed awhile until I could see June calmed down then came home with a sinus/tension headache. Needed to be busy making meatballs & cookies for tomorrow's luncheon but felt exhausted so laid down for what I intended to be a short (hour maybe) nap. I was totally out when husband came in from work and until he woke me around 4:00 to say June called and could I go over and watch TV with her while Dad ran an errand and went out to eat. I feel terrible about it, but I had to beg off so I could get mys stuff done. I sure hope her meds take effect soon because this running back and forth is driving me crazy and messes up our dinner here. Wish I knew what she's so afraid of but she can't talk about it, says she doesn't know.

Sorry for running on. Had a few minutes while meatballs simmer. Now for tomorrow's freebie. Just one zip today of frames:


Stacey said...

Sherri, these are gorgeous! thanks so much! I'm so sorry for everything going on, you must be exhausted. I hope things get better for poor June too!

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for the lovely downloads you have on your pages...

Mat's Merry Memoirs said...

Thanks for this lovely gift.