Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Forever Love freebie

The last couple of days have been rough and I've much to do before we pick up Larkin on Saturday morning. Ever since that MRI of my lumbar spine I've had low back pain and terrible spasms in my calves. May not be connected but . . . . Yesterday was a bad pain day so I didn't get anything posted. This morning we were up before the sun rose. My husband needed a dental extraction and he wanted to do the consult and surgery same day. Lots of paperwork, some waiting, a few minutes to consult. Then we had to wait an hour or so because the doc had another surgery scheduled before us. By the time we picked up the antibiotics and pain meds, it was about 1:30 p.m. when we got home. Expected husband would sleep for a few hours and I had a number of things scheduled to do. He didn't sleep and I waited on him - water, pills, jello etc. until I started fading fast. He sent me to bed and I slept about four hours.

As for the Valentines freebie I'd planned, it is no where near finished so I'm going to give you a small kit I did for a blog hop some years back. We will see what develops from there.
Here is first zip of Forever Love:

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