Monday, September 11, 2017

Remembering 9/11 & freebie

Like most people, I imagine, I'm thinking back to where I was on this day when tragedy struck. I was at work at a health insurance company and on the phone with a doctor's office when the representative next to me leaned over to say that a plane had just struck one of the World Trade Center towers. She was on break at her desk and listening to a radio station. Moments later all systems went on hold as we learned more about what was going on. A few people had mini TVs they used during lunch hour and we all crowded around to see what was being reported. Overall the feeling was of having entered some surreal Twilight Zone area. There were tears, prayers, frantic phone calls trying to reach loved ones, and fears too because our area is full of military installations and therefore another prime target for terrorism. A horrible day I am unlikely to ever forget. My family was lucky in that while we had family members who worked at the World Trade Center, they were away from the office for the day and, therefore, safe. Today I'm remembering all who perished in the events of that day and sending up prayers for their families and friends.

Thinking and praying too for all those affected by the terrible storms of this hurricane season. Waiting to hear how my brother & SIL fared in Sarasota.

Today in Boho Baby we have a little sunshine for the nursery:
Had to include a giraffe in memory of my son's nursery. Here's your link:

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