Friday, April 25, 2014

Beautiful Spring, upcoming sales, and freebie

The last few days have been nice with spring time temperatures. My friend, Stacy, must have pushed some of that LV warmth this way. All the flowering trees are in bloom as are the azaleas and wisteria. I especially love the dogwood trees which look as though nature has thrown lace across those nearly bare branches. Haven't been out much, just to doctor, grocery and pharmacy. Doctor told me to avoid the tree pollen as much as possible while trying to get my lungs clear. And tonight we are expecting some sort of storm front with hail so, sadly, I expect most of those blooming trees will lose their blossoms. Her's a peek at the colors for the upcoming Mother's Day CAK
Digi Style Designs is preparing for International Scrapbooking Day when there will be lots of sales and special offers. I'm going to put everything (except May CAK items which cannot be sale priced) in Wonderland Scraps on special for $1. Instead of a few days, I'm going to run it all the month of May, so if you are interested, check her on May 1st:
And I'm running a Buy My Store on commercial use products
A while back I experimented with a plaid generator. I made a set of 8 plaid backgrounds in full size, tagger, and atc sizes and I'm going to give them away. Tonight it's ATC size, where ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards. If you aren't familiar with ATCs let me give you a quick explanation. ATCs are small pieces of art work intended to be traded among friends. They are always sized at 2.5" x 3.5" - the size of baseball cards - but can be made in any medium: paper, painting, fabric, metal, digital - whatever you can think of. the original intention was that ATCs be traded or given away, never sold. However, over time, some have come to sell completed ATCs, only they are supposed to call them artist cards editions and originals (ACEOs). Really, they are the same thing - tiny art works. All that said, here is the preview of the plaid background set:
Also a sample ATC
Pick up the atc backgrounds here: Tomorrow I'll post link for the tagger size backgrounds which are 800 x 800 pixels. Besides making tags, I've found that you can piece tagger backgrounds and make bragbook pages with them. Off to meditate. Hugs, SherryD


Stacey said...

thank you for the beautiful papers! looking forward to that sale! Hope I can pick up a few things during nsd weekend. My ebates refund from our Christmas purchases should come in and so I can buy a couple of things. Plus on a better monetary note, My dogs masectomy is going to be a little less than we thought so that is great. She will be having surgery on Thursday, so send good thoughts and say a little prayer for my baby Koa, please. Hopefully this will cure her cancer. We are so hoping!

SherryD said...

Koa looks to be a cutie if that's her in your avatar. Sure hope all goes well. Pets become like family, don't they? Hugs!