Friday, March 6, 2020

Another error on freebies

I thought I had posted yesterday's zip and didn't know I hadn't until I got message saying there was a problem with zip 1. Here is zip 2 and I hope it will download properly.

I'd mentioned that my friend, Wanda, had hip replacement surgery. Met Sandy on Midlothian last week and we shopped a little and had lunch. I'd have never found my way to Kelly's home in Amelia on my own so I followed Sandy that evening. Going down dark, twisting roads at night had me tense but we got there alright. Did some antiquing and such and lots of catching up but one of the days, coming back from Powhatan where we'd been shopping and heading to a "nearby" pizza place, I started feeling strange. A tall glass of Cola settled my stomach enough to manage 2 pieces of pizza, then it became clear that a migraine was coming on. Back to Kelly's where I spent hours in bed fighting it off. Bummer! Still so worth it to see my friends.

Have been resting up since coming home - that's my excuse. Now off to do some chores.

1 comment:

Seymoure said...

Hi Sherry,
Thank you for the fix on #1. Lots of female birthdays between family and friends. I believe I will use this kit quite a few times.
Hope you are rested and feeling better.