Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday freebie - zip 4 christmas 4 Kiddies

The news from Dad's cardiologist was good and not. The EKG showed his heart rhythm is steady, which is good. However, the doc listened carefully to all Dad and I had to say and told him to reduce the heart med he'd given him to every other day and that might bring his heartbeat up some. He also said dad can stop taking Coumadin. Yeah! The doctor said these measures were not a fix but might help some and he will check him again in a month. Once home we got the wreath on Dad's door and his lighted tree up.

Here is today's zip:
Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/57614067/2016%20freebies/Xmas4Kiddies/ws_Christmas4Kiddies_4.zip


KM said...


Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. And many blessings in the New Year!

Making up for lost time especially since it is 70 degrees warmer today than it was on Sunday! Can move around and get things done without feeling cold all they way to your bones.

Hope your son is feeling better soon and you are able to have wonderful family time.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!