Friday, August 21, 2015

All sorts of things and freebie coming

Here it is almost the end of summer. Where did the time go? Actually, I do know. July was a whirlwind of doctor's appontments for June, her surgery, and after care. Still much going on in that area. She is doing really well. Surgery went off without a hitch. She didn't have any nausea after and little pain. On the down side, biopsy of lymph nodes done during surgery found cancer in 4 out of 11 and more cancer than in the tumor itself! So, she will be starting radiation treatment soon. Right now, it's physical therapy because she needs to be able to get the left arm up over her head so they can safely radiate the area in question. Once it starts, she will have 28 days of 30 minute radiation treaments.
Can't seem to get caught up from running back and forth and this month I've got Red Lilies (RedHat chapter) activities and appointments too. Created a journal page with my last freebie, Shore Thing Journal Kit but wouldn't you know, I can't figure out where I filed it! It included a photo of my son and his - yes, official fiancee'! He formally proposed on august 11 and the wedding is planned for June 11 next year. Meanwhile, I've been working on that Mermaid Musings Journal kit I'd mentioned earlier in fits and starts. Turns out I've got 20 (8" x 11") papers and 44 elements (that includes the word art). Here are the previews:
Have to pack things up and it looks like it will be 3 zips of about 30MB each. I'm going to try to get the elements zip posted tonight. I did not concern myself too much with how large the elements are because you can always reduce size if needed and some are of a size to be used in regular scrapbook pages. That's it for now. More later on. I'm off to work on my hat for tomorrow's Hooray For Hats event. Hugs!


Stacey said...

Everything looks awesome! looking forward to it! I hope you enjoy your soiree tomorrow! I'm so happy for Miss June! I hope the radiation goes well. Please say a prayer for my Uncle Bud. On Monday we found out he is stage 4 kidney cancer. They also believe it is in his lungs, liver, pancreas. They did a lung biopsy on Thursday. They also want to do a catscan of his brain to make sure it didn't spread there. If it didn't then he'll have his kidney removed and we'll see what can be done about the other cancers. My inlaws arrive tonight so it's been so crazy visiting Uncle Steve and getting ready for them to arrive. I am so exhausted.

SherryD said...

Stacey, prayers going out for your Uncle and family. Cancer is so cruel! June seems to be doing well but my friend, Mary (Queen of our Red Hat group) recently learned her Aunt Bootsie is stage 4 breast cancer. She's now undergoing treatment and we are praying for her too.

Stacey said...

Sherry, I will add Mary's Aunt Bootsie to my prayers. I truly hate cancer, and wish they would find a cure! it's felling so many wonderful people!