Friday, July 4, 2014

New Products from Sher Scraps & freebie

Don't know why Blogger was so uncooperative last night but seems to be okay now. We were lucky and pine tree out back is still standing and house is intact. Only got some heavy rain from Hurricane Arthur. Turned out too that this was not the week my son was going to Outer Banks - thank heaven. Have been busy cleaning out fridge and haven't watched news so don't know how bad damage was elsewhere. Surely hope it wasn't too bad. I manged to get 2 new CU products in store and can finally post previews.
I also have a little cobalt freebie for you:
Just right click and save. You may use this for Cu if you like as it is from a vintage image. Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July if you are celebrating it today and a great weekend.


Stacey said...

Happy 4th to you and your family - thanks for the freebie - will try and grab tomorrow - in a rush! Just hope you have an enjoyable day and didn't get too pounded by Arthur!

Stacey said...

Love all your new cu products - don't usually buy cu because they are more expensive and I don't create. Thinking of taking lessons again, hopefully once Kobi settles down some. Thanks for all the awesome freebies. the beaded paper and bottle are fantastic. Hope you sustained no damage from the hurricane and got rid of your unwanted (ant) guests!