Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This week's writing prompts

In the thrift store book section the other day, I found another book on writing. I'd started collecting them when I taught and still do from time to time. This one is called Stirring The Waters: Writing To Find Your Spirit: 9 Spiritual Practices To Develop Your Wise Voice by Janell Moon. I'd never heard of it but discovered that Ms. Moon is a poet, college writing instructor and a hypnotherapist. I'm hoping she's got a few tricks I haven't come across before. If so, I'll pass them on.

And the cards that turned up in this week's pull are:

* Then you look at me . . . " Try freewriting or streaming (as in stream-of-consciousness) as Moon calls it, for about 15 minutes and see what comes to you. Use this as the first line of a story or poem. You don't have to finish - just start and see where it takes you.

* Random Words - Freewrite on each of these words for 5-10 minutes, one right after another. For a bigger challenge, use all the words in a free write.
bones -- fool -- friendship -- affection -- surprise -- dingleberry

*If I could change my name, it would be . . .
This is straight forward. Most of us, at one time or another, have wished we were named something else. What did you want your name to be when you were 10? when you were a teen? would you change it now and to what?

* Think of 5 events from the past, positive or negative, that moved you intensely. These events had great energy at the time. Pick the one with the most energy, the one that is most alove for you now. Write about it for 15 minutes.

* At random, chose 2 characters - for now just decide if they are male or female and their ages; chose a place - real or fictional in general; chose 2 objects; chose an adjective; and chose an abstract word. Now, begin writing in story form using these elements. Write at least two pages and see what you have to say.

* My soul felt free in the night . . .
You know what to do with this. Write at least 20 minute or until you feel like stopping.

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