I've received more sad news about my friend, designer Sandi Tice (Sandi Scraps). Some of you know her, or have at least heard me talk about her. She is the woman who survived breast cancer (I believe she said it's been 10 years) but then suffered chronic pain from reconstructive surgery. Some time ago I told you that the respiratory infection she had been treated for over several months had worsened, and upon further investigation, she was found to have lung cancer. I knew that over a week ago she was scheduled to receive the results of her tests. When I didn't hear anything, I tried not to be alarmed because she was already undergoing chemo and I knew she was very ill from it.
Sick as she was, Sandi made a point to go to the marathon in her home town benefitting Breast Cancer research. She stood for hours handing out water to the runners. She said she "had to" be there because "they ran for me." Sandi e-mailed me some photos her family had taken: of her in the van going to the doctors and another, handing out water at the marathon.
Finally, last night, I got the news: the cancer is already at stage 4. Those of you who have been through this with friends and family know what this means. It has metastisized. The cancer in the lung is inoperable and it has spread to her brain - again inoperable.
After crying for a week, Sandi has picked herself up and is doing what she must. The doctors have told her that with proper care and little stress, she might live up to ten years. She's been reminded that every day advances are made. She is holding on to fragile hopes while she continues to lose weight and her hair falls out from the chemo. She told me it's 80% gone and I had to remind her that it's not what makes her beautiful.
I made the page above in appreciation of Sandi's courage, her determination to help others even when she's down, and her hopes. I'e used a combination of pieces from Raspberry Road's "Alive And Kickin'" breast cancer survivor kit; papers, lace, and clip from Twisted Sisters "A_TH3" kit (I apologize for not remembering what that stands for); a Victorian angel to watch over her; Clothie's bird doodle turned dove for hope; and roses from my Roses To Recolor series. The photos used include one from her TOU, showing a beautiful, vibrant woman; a snip from a photo taken in January when she had visitors from SBP; and the two photos she sent me.
If you will, continue to keep Sandi and her family in your prayers. I know how much she appreciates that.
Thank you.
1 comment:
Sherry what a beautiful layouts and I am so sorry to hear about Sandi PLEASE can you let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers
Thanks so much Janette x
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