Monday, August 26, 2024

Another hot August day and a freebie

Had trouble sleeping last night. Itchy skin whichI think is due to mold spores since we've had so much rain latedly. Got out of bed at a little after 5 a.m. and took Benedryl but couldnt get back to sleep. Started on a challenge page and in looking for elements to use, guess what I found? Yes, that big folder with all the Birthday Girls stuff and more/ Just happeened upon it after having done searchespreviously to no avail. So now I've loaded August Girls to dropbox [sigh of relief]. I really love my old computer (using it now) but it runs on Windows 8.1 which is no longer supported. It has been giving me trouble with Google too and dropbox notified me it will no longer support the box I have come September. I'll have to use the new Windows 11 computer which is slower than molasses and use dropbox there. Wouldn't let me transfer this account but has it attached there to my gmail address which I rarely use. I'm going to have to transfer everything to new computer and that is going to be a nightmare All that aside, here is the promissed kit:


KM said...

Yay, lucky all of us that you located the file. ;). Thank you so much. I run on Apple products but wish I could offer help with windows on your transfer of files. All the best with the migration.


Maddy said...

Another gorgeous kit - thank you! And so pleased you found your files - sadly I know from personal experience how easy it is to accidentally move/delete stuff, so glad you had a happy outcome!

Seymoure said...

Thank you for another great kit. Really love all of the girls. Also, I am really, really thrilled that you located the August Girls for us. I have Windows 11 and I absolutely detest it. It's slow and keeps deleting programs that I use almost daily when there is an update. Don't get me started on the Office programs. Hope you are doing better. Also have a great Labor Day weekend.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Kit!! Love the colors!! Thanks so much for making this & sharing the kit on U blog!! xoxo Mary Anne-FB