Saturday, August 25, 2018

Router problems and more Mermaid Journal

We've been having computer problems, not being able to get on internet and finally figured out it was the router. BIL replaced it (He was the one who figured out the problem) and all seems good now. At least until we try to pull up Netflix on the TV, then who knows.

Anyway, I was trying to stick to light colored backgrounds to make journaling easier to see and also to save ink for thosse who might want to print. But this paper, I lightened it a little but can't lighter it more or the fish don't stand out. Since I really wanted to use this paper and I'd already taken a plain stamp and made it into a frame what goes well with the paper, I was determined to use them. Now you might have some pages that have mostly photos or sketches etc and the paper would be a fine background for those. But if you want to write, hmm. You could just cut shapes from lighter papers to journal on but I thought a ready to use journal spot might be helpful so made one from the same basic stamp as the frame. Hope you like.

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