Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sleep Over 3

When Lexi's Mom presented her ideas for the make over of Lexi's room, Lexi carefully reviewed them and made appreciative comments. Then she told her parents that while she appreciated all the love and thought her mother had put into the plans, it wasn't quite what she had in mind. She said that while her mother's plan was bright and cheerful and used many colors she liked, she had in mind something more restful, more dreamy, as she put it. Her parents listened carefully to what Lexi suggested but her mother felt it sounded a little dark and dreary. Lexi went on to explain 3 of the walls would be a peaceful but restful periwinkle and only one would be darker with stars. Dad suggested he could get a galaxy mural for the wall but Lexi said she didn't need a whole galaxy, only some stars in a night sky to gaze at as she fell asleep. She thought she could do it herself. And she wanted to re-purpose some furniture from her grandmother. She knew her Mom could teach her how to do some simple upholstery on the headboard. Lexi is an artist," her Dad pointed out. And this is what she came up with, the room Madison would be coming to sleep over in.

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