Monday, July 21, 2008

Scrapping Baby Photos

Lately I've been scrapping my son's baby photos and wanted to share some layouts.
This one is of him taking a bubble bath in the kitchen sink. Scrapped with Delightful Dreams by Echo's Scraps.

These photos date from the first summer he could toddle around in the garden "helping" his father. He was fascinated by all the growing things. Helped pick tomatoes and when the first slices went on a sandwich, he had to give it a try. Look at that expression. Scrapped with Delightful Dreams by Echo's Scraps.

Jeremy is always my shining star. Scrapped these pics with Royal Garden by Sweetmade.

At times every baby seems like a little queen or king holding court with his/her subjects. Here's Jeremy on his second Christmas holding court with his grandfather and aunt. Scraped with SweetMade's Fantasia.

When you're a baby, every day is an adventure, every place a fantasy land. So what better to scrap my little explorer with than Fantasia by SweetMade?

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