Thursday, May 8, 2008

Some interesting articles about CFIDS

If you suffer from Chronic fatigue immune system disorder (CFIDS) like I do, I think you'll be interested in two articles I came across yesterday.

The first one is about a research hypothesis that suggests CFIDS might be the result of "a rare brain infection caused by a common, normally benign virus." You can read the article here:

The other article is about exercise. I know, believe me, how difficult it is to exercise when you are exhausted and in pain. I also have fibromyalgia, so while I'm told I should exercise, it's a real battle to do so and I get conflicting advice from my doctors on how much and how often. One CFIDS sufferer, facing the same dilemnia, came up with some alternative ways to mobilize her bodily systems and thus help to avoid some of the health issues that arise from deconditioning. She uses something called the Feldenkrais Method which, the article states, "employs gentle
but focused movement to help facilitate reconditioning of the body." Sounds like something I'll be checking out. She also uses Qigong which I've heard of, but which I've never tried. It "utilizes concentrated breathing techniques to stimulate the
body’s internal systems." Based on other research on breathing techniques I've read, I've come to understand that getting good oxygenization isn't always as simple as just breathing without thought. There are methods that focus on proper breathing and which benefit the body not only by providing better oxygenization but also by calming the mind and body and thus reducing the effects of stress. Read this article here:
Seems to me that it's worth looking into.

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