Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Sample From CTYD

If you missed Scrapbookersplayground's Crop 'Til You Drop last night, you missed a lot of fun. There were loads of mini kits - one planned for each hour starting at 7pm and only $2.00 each. During the crop, we tried to guess the kit name from the base kit we bought and additional elements that were given out free during the hour.

I checked in around 10pm and things were going strong. Left around 2am today and still a good number of hearty scrappers on hand. Lots of discount coupons and special offers were given during the crop too.

Here are a few quickpages I scrapped with the hourly kits as we chatted about anything and everything. And if you missed this crop, mark your calendar for January 19th when we're going to do it again!

I believe this one was the 10pm kit and the name is Walk On The Wild Side. (I think these kits will be offered in the store now, so check in if you see something you like. They would be under DDDesigns because Diosa created them.)

Oops, I've got the 12am kit here before the 11pm but that's okay, isn't it? This one is called Upsy Daisey and I guessed the title and won $5.00 in playground credits!

Here we go. This is the 11pm kit below, called Nutty Fudge.

The two above are from the 1am kit and I've forgotten the name. I was getting tired by then.

Hope you enjoyed seeing a sample of what our Crop "til You Drop kits are like. Please join us on January 19th and bring a friend.

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