Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Catching up

The September Girls kit should have been up a couple weeks ago but I started having health issues.At first I thought it was some virus but. I had no fever. Started making a list of symptoms to discuss with my doctor last Wednesday at my regular checkup. Wednesday came and I was so weak I knew I could not walk from parking lot and down the long hallway to his office. Had husband drive me to ER concerned that the racing heart was the problem. Got an EKG within minutes and was told it looked good. 5 hours later on saw a doctor who felt my symptoms were troubling. Was kept for observation. Returned home Saturday, followed up with my doctor yesterday. He happily told me all those blood tests and all the other (many!) tests were in normal range, no explanation for the continuing symptoms. It was not a good visit because he got irritated that I was emotional. Seems a normal reaction to what's been going on. May need another doctor. Enough about that. Hospital has set me up for Home Health to try to improve my strength. will see what developes.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Another hot August day and a freebie

Had trouble sleeping last night. Itchy skin whichI think is due to mold spores since we've had so much rain latedly. Got out of bed at a little after 5 a.m. and took Benedryl but couldnt get back to sleep. Started on a challenge page and in looking for elements to use, guess what I found? Yes, that big folder with all the Birthday Girls stuff and more/ Just happeened upon it after having done searchespreviously to no avail. So now I've loaded August Girls to dropbox [sigh of relief]. I really love my old computer (using it now) but it runs on Windows 8.1 which is no longer supported. It has been giving me trouble with Google too and dropbox notified me it will no longer support the box I have come September. I'll have to use the new Windows 11 computer which is slower than molasses and use dropbox there. Wouldn't let me transfer this account but has it attached there to my gmail address which I rarely use. I'm going to have to transfer everything to new computer and that is going to be a nightmare All that aside, here is the promissed kit:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hhgup2gqa6aqldt3nqqqi/ws_AugGirls_ppr_1.zip?rlkey=bg8j5ct86clgmcgtcankmsao3&st=bkcksz0y&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ttqnmhjr95nb0ayj0vimq/ws_AugGirls_ppr_2.zip?rlkey=57h4ivbd0j5a2n7xr07nc38f1&st=he198g0b&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/95uenqu07no21cwo33rqf/ws_AugGirls_ppr_3.zip?rlkey=al2lu98hs5dzmbum9755vkgfa&st=9oyrzrhy&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1j3h2xst3st6k1mhakv60/ws_AugGirls_ppr_4.zip?rlkey=9aw67e6agp0cq7zu5k6525bks&st=qr7iputy&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/42gfmfokesp61z1oc85w6/ws_AugGirls_el_1.zip?rlkey=ijofhlbgzg75rshbwpo6q1hpw&st=xavby6we&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1jn3jseyax9hr8qb6xr78/ws_AugGirls_el_2.zip?rlkey=sadw5vlwk4cxc2t71m8rio644&st=2e9kmfpm&dl=0

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bad News

I had the August kit ready to be loaded to dropbox but got called away. No problem; I could do it the next day. Wrong! The entire folder that contained all the finished Birthday Girls kits plus notes and partial kits for the remaining months - vanished! I figured one of two things had happened: it got deleted by mistake (that would be huge mistake and costly in terms of all the time I put into it) or somehow I mistakenly moved it into another folder. I'm hoping but so far no luck searchign. Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you.

Monday, July 8, 2024

February Girls add-on

Links: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ft6aqppgpdgfh85yo188q/ws_FebGirlsAddon_el-1.zip?rlkey=d875in6wsdqp79naku58xb4s8&st=78yq75nd&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bawklzqxbe0dirzzzohq6/ws_FebGirlsAddon_el-2.zip?rlkey=owxiufvutm4k60zr34ecqnjvp&st=ga2en9b5&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/20e6v8lcz3npf28bemdls/ws_FebGirlsAddon_pprs_1.zip?rlkey=xkxq5cd965x9j4z31tfn2nnnn&st=rd2dx0xn&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mzjnw30p82rsp5ah07yng/ws_FebGirlsAddon_pprs_2.zip?rlkey=p4lv93x3qyc4mdm1cvkz6bqs7&st=pcb4pr28&dl=0

8 days into July and here is what's happening

I just finished the February Girls add-on. In a moment I'll post the information page and the post card zip. Hopefully, later on I'll be able to put up the papers and elements. Things have improved a little here. Got the odor out of the washer so laundry time is back to normal. Garage is still a mess with stuff out in the middle of the floor where it will stay until our friend, Josh, and his son come over to paint over the areas Tyler treated for mold. They will paint with Kilz which won't kill mold but it stops further damage and covers unsightly stains. It's been so darn hot here, we aren't doing much. Had my epidural on June 13. This one hurt like hell becaause the spaces between the vertebra are so tight now. I've gotten offical diagnosis of mild spinal stenosis and moderate to severe formanal stenosis which is pinching 4 nerves. My pain level went from a typical 7 at the start of the day to 4. Still gets worse as day goes on. I now see my orthopedic spine surgeon every three months so he can assess whether my strength is diminishing because of the stenosis and also so he can get me a timely referral for another epidural when I need it. In time I will probably need surgery but we are trying to put it off as long a spossible since it's a complicated procedure. Meanwhile, after being repeate4dly told that appointments for my husband's lymphodema therapy are six months out, we finally secured an appointment at a place in Chesapeake close to North Carolina line. He had one treatment last week and another is scheduled for tomorrow. Since I'm doing better I will be getting to work on neglected housework whenever the temperatres allow me to. Here is the preview for the add-on
This does not show everything. Here are the links to the info page and the postcard zip: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7wwq8wxvy17yz5lvsr9c0/WS_TOU_FebGirlsAdd-on.rtf?rlkey=0oywj8vm88betw99f34qjy1mq&st=4bvfu6f0&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/op66rzn3sfwm51l880id0/ws_FebAdd-on_PC.zip?rlkey=ontfo7ibbhcr0rjjteribaw1b&st=uwe9tsqt&dl=0 As I said with the January add-on, the postcards are mainly for you to see the greetings that have been associated with February birthdays over time. You will find that the birthstone and/or flower on the postcards may not be what we expect. A few of the postcards are of good enough quality and size you could use them in your layouts, but many are not. As for the information I gathered,a number of things surprised me such as medicinal uses for the flowers. Hope you enjoy! BTW - you can add this to your January fact sheet: Carnations are edible! Carnation is used for treating muscle spasms and to improve heart health. It is also useful for treating the problem of hair loss and sore muscles. Consuming carnation tea is proved to be very effective against depression and can lift the mood of people instantly. Carnation tea is also used as a treatment for diarrhea. Snowdrops All parts of the plant are POISONOUS if eaten. However, extracts from snowdrops have proved useful in some medical conditions. They contain an alkaloid, galanthamine, which is approved in several countries, including the UK, for managing Alzheimer's disease. Galanthamine is also used to treat nervous system injuries

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Catching Up & new kit

Things have been crazy around here this month. I had bronchitis and just as I was getting over it we had a problem with the house. The hose that connects hot water to the wwasher had burst overnight and we only discovered it when I went to take a shower and found there was no hot water. We just replaced the water heater a yer ago so the only thought we had about what might be wrong was that somehow the pilot light had gone out. But when my husband opened the door in the kitchen that leads down int o the garage we saw a geyser of water shooting out from behind the washer. There were inches of water on the floor and the water had even reached up splashing the rafters in the exposed portion of the attic! He was able to cut off the valve but then then substantial damage had been done. Neither of us is able to do the damage repair. Our grandson came over that evening and managed to get most of the water vacuumed and soaked up but there are cardboard boxes in the attic area the water reached and that needs to be dealt with. There is no mold growing on the rafters where they got wet and a few other places out there. We've been getting estimates for people who deal with this kind of thing. The first wanted $9,000! But it turned out they wanted to do unnecessary stuff. We've had two other estimates in a reasonable range but getting the people to call back with a contract and set a date to start has been like pulling teeth. Meanwhile I've been back to the orthopedic doctor who referred me on to pain management after a month of physical therapy had no effect. I have mild spinal stenosis and moderate to severe formaina stenosis in four places. Basically it means that the spaces between vertebre have narrowed and merves are being pinched. Thursday I went into the ambulatory surgery center for a procedure meant to reduce inflammation. I've had an epidural for this in the past and it wasn't bad. This time was brutal. Afterwards the doctor told me it w as because the spaces were so tight. By Monday I will be able to tell how much relief I'll have. If this doesn't ease things up the next step would be surgery. Despite things being rough, I've managed to complete the June Girls kit and I'm going to give you all the links now. Here is a page I made with the kit for a challenge at Just Art:
The kit preview:
Links: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dns6t4boy91ikld5dqi0t/ws_-JuneGirls_pprs_1.zip?rlkey=ym7qcb478gw7lgjnavbfm5hx2&st=q76g1lcj&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xyzc6i8043e7mab5wm3m3/ws_-JuneGirls_els_1.zip?rlkey=o2s0sfoekl6hib30p3n5y8hjw&st=knafb5bb&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yaj0swyx4jxeij7y8m47d/ws_-JuneGirls_pprs_2.zip?rlkey=zrbke7em8yw29g38b9u9n1r99&st=o5b7rx77&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/btgir9h8zsmh1ej54vsaa/ws_-JuneGirls_els_2.zip?rlkey=vxsh9sj388ojd3ncaqsuzd1hg&st=t9o1vzrh&dl=0 I hope you enjoy this. As things settle down I will get back to you with an addition to February along the lines of what I did for January. But consider that it will be July in just two weeks so we'll have to see what happens.