Saturday, November 9, 2024

Still alive but not well

I have been in h ospital 3 times since 9/27. Just got back home a week ago and am recovering from pneumonia.Things rough here as I normally rake care of my husband. He is trying to take care of me but has trouble standing or walking due to severe neuropathy and lymphodema. He also has degenrative spinal disease and just now is in terrible pain and can barely move. We get some help from his son who comes twice a week to change the compression wraps, and do small chores for us. H\Grandson who live in NC has helped out too but generally it's a disaster are here. I can only bear to be at computeer for short periods. I think it will be January before I can get things back to what passes for normal here.


Blanca B said...

I'm so sorry. Get better soon. A big hug.

genie said...

So sorry you two are feeling so bad. I'm wishing you and your husband a speedy recovery. Hugs...

Kathy Johnson said...

So sorry to hear this, Sherry. I miss you on Just Art. Hope you are fully mended soon.

Anonymous said...

Praying you and your husband get better, so sorry about your illnesses. Love your beautiful kits. thank you very much.