Monday, July 8, 2024

8 days into July and here is what's happening

I just finished the February Girls add-on. In a moment I'll post the information page and the post card zip. Hopefully, later on I'll be able to put up the papers and elements. Things have improved a little here. Got the odor out of the washer so laundry time is back to normal. Garage is still a mess with stuff out in the middle of the floor where it will stay until our friend, Josh, and his son come over to paint over the areas Tyler treated for mold. They will paint with Kilz which won't kill mold but it stops further damage and covers unsightly stains. It's been so darn hot here, we aren't doing much. Had my epidural on June 13. This one hurt like hell becaause the spaces between the vertebra are so tight now. I've gotten offical diagnosis of mild spinal stenosis and moderate to severe formanal stenosis which is pinching 4 nerves. My pain level went from a typical 7 at the start of the day to 4. Still gets worse as day goes on. I now see my orthopedic spine surgeon every three months so he can assess whether my strength is diminishing because of the stenosis and also so he can get me a timely referral for another epidural when I need it. In time I will probably need surgery but we are trying to put it off as long a spossible since it's a complicated procedure. Meanwhile, after being repeate4dly told that appointments for my husband's lymphodema therapy are six months out, we finally secured an appointment at a place in Chesapeake close to North Carolina line. He had one treatment last week and another is scheduled for tomorrow. Since I'm doing better I will be getting to work on neglected housework whenever the temperatres allow me to. Here is the preview for the add-on
This does not show everything. Here are the links to the info page and the postcard zip: As I said with the January add-on, the postcards are mainly for you to see the greetings that have been associated with February birthdays over time. You will find that the birthstone and/or flower on the postcards may not be what we expect. A few of the postcards are of good enough quality and size you could use them in your layouts, but many are not. As for the information I gathered,a number of things surprised me such as medicinal uses for the flowers. Hope you enjoy! BTW - you can add this to your January fact sheet: Carnations are edible! Carnation is used for treating muscle spasms and to improve heart health. It is also useful for treating the problem of hair loss and sore muscles. Consuming carnation tea is proved to be very effective against depression and can lift the mood of people instantly. Carnation tea is also used as a treatment for diarrhea. Snowdrops All parts of the plant are POISONOUS if eaten. However, extracts from snowdrops have proved useful in some medical conditions. They contain an alkaloid, galanthamine, which is approved in several countries, including the UK, for managing Alzheimer's disease. Galanthamine is also used to treat nervous system injuries

1 comment:

KM said...

I really appreciate all the information you have gathered about the birthstone and the flowers. I did know and have had a Pansy flower in a drink once. I'd rather look at them. ;)

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and moving around. Go slow, housework will still be there for another day. I used to be able to do it all in one day, now I do a bit each day.

Be blessed.
