Saturday, June 15, 2024

Catching Up & new kit

Things have been crazy around here this month. I had bronchitis and just as I was getting over it we had a problem with the house. The hose that connects hot water to the wwasher had burst overnight and we only discovered it when I went to take a shower and found there was no hot water. We just replaced the water heater a yer ago so the only thought we had about what might be wrong was that somehow the pilot light had gone out. But when my husband opened the door in the kitchen that leads down int o the garage we saw a geyser of water shooting out from behind the washer. There were inches of water on the floor and the water had even reached up splashing the rafters in the exposed portion of the attic! He was able to cut off the valve but then then substantial damage had been done. Neither of us is able to do the damage repair. Our grandson came over that evening and managed to get most of the water vacuumed and soaked up but there are cardboard boxes in the attic area the water reached and that needs to be dealt with. There is no mold growing on the rafters where they got wet and a few other places out there. We've been getting estimates for people who deal with this kind of thing. The first wanted $9,000! But it turned out they wanted to do unnecessary stuff. We've had two other estimates in a reasonable range but getting the people to call back with a contract and set a date to start has been like pulling teeth. Meanwhile I've been back to the orthopedic doctor who referred me on to pain management after a month of physical therapy had no effect. I have mild spinal stenosis and moderate to severe formaina stenosis in four places. Basically it means that the spaces between vertebre have narrowed and merves are being pinched. Thursday I went into the ambulatory surgery center for a procedure meant to reduce inflammation. I've had an epidural for this in the past and it wasn't bad. This time was brutal. Afterwards the doctor told me it w as because the spaces were so tight. By Monday I will be able to tell how much relief I'll have. If this doesn't ease things up the next step would be surgery. Despite things being rough, I've managed to complete the June Girls kit and I'm going to give you all the links now. Here is a page I made with the kit for a challenge at Just Art:
The kit preview:
Links: I hope you enjoy this. As things settle down I will get back to you with an addition to February along the lines of what I did for January. But consider that it will be July in just two weeks so we'll have to see what happens.


Maddy said...

Thank you for the beautiful kit! Sending best wishes for a happy outcome to all your problems, both physical and house related.

KM said...

Oh no! So very sorry for all the damage from the water. I hope it can be repaired soon.

I will be praying for relief from pain and that the next steps provide that for your back. Like for you, surgery is the last step, I must try all the less invasive things first.

And look at you creating all the files for us! Wow you are amazing. The June Girls is lovely. Thank you.


Seymoure said...

Hi Sherry,
Thank you for the June Girls kit. Sending prayers for relief on your back problems and that you find a decent contractor to get your home back in order.

Gala said...

Magnificent beautiful collection - beautiful elements and papers! Thank you very much for the gift!