Saturday, April 11, 2020

Last of Easter BAK freebie

Happy Easter! If all goes well, my son & DIL will be here for the weekend, so I'm scheduling this ahead. Thank you all for sharing a word or two about how things are going for you during (I know we are all tired of hearing this) this difficult time. It's strange, it's scary, it is surreal. Despite the fact that I have all four major risk factors and husband has 3, we are well so far. I feel my husband and I are luckier than many because as retirees we don't have to go out anyway and we do have some income coming in. I am grateful, more than ever, that we have a paid off mortgage for this roof over our heads. Grateful for those small pension checks that allow us to buy our medications, keep food on the table and stay current on bills. Grateful for family and friends who, so far, are well and keeping in touch. I have chronic depression but so far, keeping up with my medication and finding little things that give me pleasure, it has remained under control. Watching TV news at night is depressing, It reminds me of the time when televised reporting of the Viet Nam war started and every night there would be gruesome photos from the front lines and body counts, This is much the same. While we need to stay informed, we do not need to dwell on depressing news we can do little about. I would suggest limiting your news viewing. Find something each day you can be grateful for. If you can, find a way to help out - many are sewing much needed face masks, others shop for elderly family and neighbors, those who can donate to local agencies that provide food for families in need. One of the simplest, but so thoughtful, things you can do is to call, write or email those you care about. Try finding something to distract your thoughts - maybe you have a hobby you can turn to, read a good book (many sites are now offering free e-books), listen to music you love, look on-line for free classes to learn something new, pray and/or meditate.

In my state (Virginia) the stay at home order runs through June. The vacation we'd planned for next month must wait for a better time. None of us know when the worst of this will be over. And we don't know what things will be like when things are allowed to return to normal. What will our new normal be? Admittedly, it is difficult to be hopeful just now but we need to try. For the most part, I remain peaceful but, as I said previously, I have reasons to be. If I were to get this virus, I will refuse a ventilator so that someone with a better chance of recovery and better chance to contribute to the community once well, may have it. I would, however, appreciate comfort care. If God is ready for me to go home, so be it. I have found that recently I have a little anxiety at night but it is free floating and seems to be related to concern for family and friends. When I can't sleep, I pray, read, play solitaire until I'm relaxed or numb.

Thought we'd end this BAK with a little word art.

1 comment:

KM said...

Happy Blessed Easter! Here in MN we are receiving 6-10 inches of snow. However, yesterday it was 60 degrees and we were able to drive over to my parents home where my dad was able to meet us in the driveway and take a properly distanced walk with us. Take each blessing as it is given and enjoy it, be grateful for it. That is what I live by.

Thank you for the papers and fun sentiments. Enjoy time with your family.
