Friday, July 26, 2019

Pretty as a Peacock freebie

Spent much of yesterday at doctor's office, pharmacy and so on. Also "enjoying" a lie down with ice pack. Now on more prednisone as there was actual swelling in neck and just today got the muscle relaxers I need. If not better by Monday I'm to call and be scheduled for an MRI. On the plus side I got a chance to tell doctor about problems I've been having with left side of my body which my nurse friend is afraid might be early Parkinson's. The doctor said not to worry (yet) as there are a number of other things that might be going on. I'm sure I want none of them. The office is scheduling a visit to my neurological group (a father and sons group of highly educated and very intelligent & kind gentlemen of Indian descent.) for an evaluation. And all of that is to tell you why Thursday post is now Friday's.

I thought I'd start today with some general facts about our subject, peacocks.
Did you know?
The actual name of the peacock is peafowl. The term peacock denotes a male bird and the female is called a peahen.
There are two familiar peacock species. The blue peacock lives in India and Sri Lanka, while the green peacock is found in Java and Myanmar (Burma). A more distinct and little-known species, the Congo peacock, inhabits African rain forests. The peacock population is dwindling fast due to habitat loss, contamination of food sources and poaching. The Indian Peafowl is endangered and the Green Peafowl is nearly, if not absolutely, extinct.

They are one of the largest flying birds. Their length (including tail) can reach 5 feet. Few people get a chance to see these birds off a ground, but they can, indeed, fly. Though usually peacocks do that in case of danger, rather than pleasure. Despite their giant tail feathers peacocks are able to fly, though they do not fly very far. When in danger, peacocks fly up into trees.

Peacocks are ground-feeders that eat insects, plants, and small creatures.
How much do they weigh?
Indian peafowl: 8.8 – 13 lbs Green peafowl: 8.5 – 11 lbs Congo peafowl: ?

Lifespan: Indian peafowl: 10 – 25 years Info on others not found.

And now today's zip:

Real peacocks don't come in purple but this color seems to be a favorite to combine with the peacock's blues and greens, especially for wedding parties using a peacock theme, so I thought I'd include a little.



Seymoure said...

Hi Sherry,
Sorry to hear you have some more health issues. Hopefully your doctors will be able to pinpoint the problem and provide a healing answer.
Love the peacock info, or peafowl to be precise. My sister used to live in Clearwater, FL and she had a neighborhood peacock roosting in the trees.
I was wondering about the white peacock. Are they a species unto themselves or albinos? Some more food for thought.
Hope you get the help and relief you need soon.

Anonymous said...

merci pour vos cadeaux.