Saturday, August 25, 2007

Apology and thank you to Blushbutter

In my post of 8/18, you will see a calling card I created. I forgot to mention that the diamond ring image (in lower right hand corner) was a gift from Blushbutter. I'm certain she hasn't seen the blog yet and is such a dear she probably wouldn't mind my forgetfulness but I mind it. Blush, when you see this know that I appreciate you very much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your so kind Sherry, don't let those silly little things bother you, they don't bother me :)
I have visited your blog several times now and I think all your missing is a slideshow for all your beautiful designs, it's free to start one up at and you just copy and paste the code into the side bar so visitors have a link to go and view your pictures in a slideshow if they want to :)
I can help you with that to. Love your blog your doing a lovely job on it!