Friday, March 29, 2024

Easter Time

Been a bit crazy here with husband having 2 cataract surgeries. I've been doing any driving needed and running him to appointments etc. Next week I start physical therapy and will have appointments Mondays and Wednesdays for a month. Meanwhile, I did get a small Easter kit put together for you:
Links: Have not finished March Girls. It will be late but still coming. Hope everyone is doing well!


Maddy said...

Thanks for the cute kit - especially love the boy/girl bunnies. Happy Easter to you and your family!

Seymoure said...

Thank you for the Easter kit. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

KM said...

Thank you and Happy Resurrection Day. The kit is lovely and perfect for my granddaughters Easter egg hunting. She is only 20 months but caught on quickly to adding eggs to her basket.
Take care of yourselves.


Chloé said...

Thank you so much for this awesome Easter kit !

Gala said...

Fabulous ! Thank you very much for the wonderful set!