Saturday, February 25, 2023

Here is what's been going on

I'm not getting much computer time recently so please bear with me. The last quarter of 2022 was difficult here.Can't remember if I told you or not but my husband has degenerative spine disorder - has had since he was 18. Normally, he deals with the pain - always there to some defree - but around once or twice a year, usually with sharp changees in weather and temperature, the pain becomes severe. Generally it lasts at that level for a couple days then calms down. Not so last year. When it started up, a little more severe at first then usual, we expected those couple of bad days but it turned into weeks of severe pain. He tried all the things he usually does and even a few things I suggested, like using v=Voltaren gel, No good. Sciatic pain radiated all down his leg until he xould barely stand Finally, on Thanksgiving, he let me call the paramedics to take him to ER. Doc there did the only tjhing he could - put hubby on Prednesone in addition to the high levels of Tylenol he was already taking and, because he hadn't been able to sleep for 3 days at all, gave him a few tabs of oxycodone. Hubby didn't want those at all but doc insisted that a couple days would break the cycle. So he agreed ro rake one at night for 3 nights. The combination did the trick although it was slow going for another week. Meanwhile, in caring for him, doing hte usual necessary things and going to Costco and Sams Club (in same day - how stupid!) and lugging all in by myself, I set off my lower back where I have several bad discs. As happens in ny case, I got sacroilitis and sciatitica. So just as he was getting back to "normal" I became incapicatated for several days. As soon as I could, I was up preparing for Christmas last minute, We weren't exchanging gifts so I didn't have that to deal with but I felt I had to put up my little tree and clean and be certain I had the ingredients for Christmas Eve and Day dinners on hand. My son and DIL arrived Christmas Eve in time for an Italian dinner husband insisted on preparing for them. The kids didn't want me to go to a lot of trouble with a traditional holiday meal so son had suggested I teach him how to prepare roast beef and he would help. Easily done and very enjoyable. Wonderful visit from Jeremy and Berkeley but by the time they left arounf ten Christmas night, we were exhausted. Days of taking it easy followed. I gave notice and left the scrapbook shop I was in. Since we had been told in early December that our grandson and his wife were expecting their first child, out first great-grand in April, I began to frantically crochet baby items while we rested and watched TV. Since the beginning of 2023 there have been a score of doctor visits for both of us, catching up on thing neglected during our down time. Sad news among friends: deaths, plans for hip re-placement (not me - a friend), two cancer diagnoses and delays with tests and surgery schedules resulting in a lot of upset and depression among those we know. Husband developed an abcessed tooth; just got it removed last week. Repair problems with the house. Since we are unable to do things we used to manage on our own, it meant calling people in to do the work for us. One small leak in guest bathroom and a visit from a plumber who is a friend of the sweet man who put our new A/C system in, and we set about making plans for him to remodel that bathroom to make it handicapped acessable, better for my husband. Lots of discussion, choosing this and that and now we are awaiting the contract. Remodeling to happen sometime in March because the man who will do it is having some surgery this month. I know I'm leaving a lot out. It has been chaotic to say the least! I have a big list of things I must do here shortly from making sure we have all the tax info, to clearing a space to put things from guest bath and it's storage closet while ceramic tile goes down. To catching up with all the other household stuff. I do plan to post something at least once a week but I can't really tell you what day. I'm working on something now and thought I'd put together something small at least to post later tonight or tomorrow. I still enjoy designing digi-scrap stuff and sharing but for a time it wouldn't be as much or as often as in the past. Thank you for all your kind words and concern.


tiscrea © - The Netherlands said...

Wow, you have been through a lot! No wonder that your weblog took a backseat for a while. Nice to hear that you both are - slowly but surely - recovering! Thank you for the update and the beautiful flowers. In thought a just sent you a big bouquest of flowers to wish you well.

KM said...

Oh my, you are in a season. They are tough to get through. Lean on our Savior as He is always near. Praying you are both recovering and will feel more like yourselves soon.
Congrats on the news of great-grandparenthood. Just became a grandma myself to a beautiful little girl named Emmarie.
Thank you for the update and the very nice digi pieces.